Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Federal Business Opportunities through January 9, 2019

Recently posted federal business opportunities

Title:             Marine Corps Steel Toed Boots
Sol. #:            WOOD1STENBDECL0011
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Boiler Suits
Sol. #:            SPMYM319Q3011
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             ACU TOP SMALL
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC0042
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU TOP LARGE
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC0004001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU TOP MEDIUM
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC00041
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU PANTS SMALL
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC0003001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU SHIRT EXTRA LARGE
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC0003101
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU PANTS LARGE
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC00027
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             ACU PANTS MEDIUM
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC00028
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PKB Aircrew Flight Equipment
Sol. #:            FA461319Q1001
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             ACU PANTS extra large
Sol. #:            POLKDPTMBAC00025
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Black Wind Breaker
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-R-0027
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Leather Sword Belt & Frog
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-R-0041
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Military Uniforms
Sol. #:            BENNING5THRTBNWM0005
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PCD Personal Protective System Version 1
Sol. #:            PCDKWD20181219A
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Disposable Latex Gloves
Sol. #:            47QSWB-19-Q-1704
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             INSIGNIA,GRADE,ENLI
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0792
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Ballistic Combat Shirt RFI
Sol. #:            Ballistic_Combat_Shirt_RFI
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PARACHUTE SYSTEMS
Sol. #:            N00244-19-T-0005
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             FLAG,SIGNAL
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0777
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Marine Corps Steel Toed Boots
Sol. #:            WOOD1STENBDECL0011
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Winter Clothing Sports and Mountain outer intermediate
Sol. #:            W912LN-19-Q-0005
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Extreme Cold Weather Fuel Handler Glove
Sol. #:            W911QY-18-FHG
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Cold Weather Glove System (CWGS)
Sol. #:            W911QY-18-CWGS
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Laminated Cloth
Sol. #:            SPMYM119Q0011
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Boots, Cold Weather, Safety Toe, Coyote Brown
Sol. #:            W912J2-19-Q-6013
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Tents and Clam Shells
Sol. #:            W91QVP-19-Q-6500
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             BADGE,QUALIFICATION
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0340
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             BADGE CLASP
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0762
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Leather Sword Belt & Frog
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-R-0041
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Gray Blue Flannel
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-R-0013
Agency:            Department of the Army
Sol. #:            CT2258-19
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             PCD Kit - Coyote
Sol. #:            PCDKWD20181113B
Agency:            Department of the Army
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-Q-0001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             INL CARSI TIGRES Holsters
Sol. #:            191NLE19N0015
Agency:            Department of State
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0752
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency

Clients of Agathon Associates and subscribers to Agathon Associates' Trade Advisor Service can find links to the full solicitations at You will need to enter your username and password. If you do not know your username and password email David Trumbull at

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