Thursday, January 27, 2022

USITC to Investigate Conditions Of Competitiveness In Foreign Trade Zones

The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) is undertaking a new factfinding investigation on operations and conditions of competitiveness in U.S. foreign trade zones and similar programs in Canada and Mexico (FTZs).

The investigation, Foreign Trade Zones (FTZs): Effects of FTZ Policies and Practices on U.S. Firms Operating in U.S. FTZs and Under Similar Programs in Canada and Mexico, Inv. No. 332-588, was requested by the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) in a letter received on December 14, 2021.

As requested, the USITC, an independent, nonpartisan, factfinding federal agency, will prepare a public report for the USTR. The report will provide, to the extent practicable:

  • an overview of economic activity in FTZs operating in the United States, Canada, and Mexico since 2016;
  • an overview of the current FTZ policies and practices in the United States, Canada, and Mexico; and
  • an analysis of the effects of current FTZ policies and practices in the United States, Canada, and Mexico on the cost-competitiveness of products of U.S. firms operating in these FTZs.

The USITC expects to submit its report to the USTR by April 14, 2023.

The USITC will hold a public hearing in connection with the investigation at 9:30 a.m. on May 17, 2022.  Information about how to participate in the hearing, including whether it will be virtual, will be posted on the Commission’s website no later than April 12, 2022, at  

Requests to appear at the hearing should be filed no later than 5:15 p.m. on May 3, 2022 with the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436.  See below for important information regarding filing a request to appear at a USITC hearing.

The USITC also welcomes written submissions for the record.  Written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary of the Commission and should be submitted no later than 5:15 p.m. on June 6, 2022. All written submissions, except for confidential business information, will be available for public inspection.

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