Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Federal Business Opportunities through August 23, 2017

Recently posted federal business opportunities.
Title:             Luggage
Sol. #:            W912J3-17-T-1012
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Uniforms for Pharmacy    
Sol. #:            VA25617Q1379
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             2IBCT RETENTION ITEMS
Sol. #:            Fort_Carson_HHBN_RR_0003
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Commercial- Interment Flags    
Sol. #:            VA11917R0398
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Sources Sought For High Strength Polyester Yarn
Sol. #:            DLATS_SOURCES_SOUGHT
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Crewneck CVC T-Shirt
Sol. #:            W912JB-17-T-2027_01
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Tube Socks and Mens Briefs
Sol. #:            192117FAO00000167
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             Marine Corps, Scarlet Cloth, Shade 2501
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-17-R-TBA
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             HTD DOME TENT FLOORING
Sol. #:            M67001-17-Q-1267
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Economytent #33087 20' x 20' TRIOTRADITIONAL BLUE/WHITE STRIPES COVER ONLY
Sol. #:            DFMWRJCS0002
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PAPR Respiratory System    
Sol. #:            VA24717R0865
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Helmet Mounted Device Modernization (HMD-M) 
Sol. #:            wnuk-17-006
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Joint Service Lightweight Integrated Suit Technology (JSLIST) Overgarment, Coat and Trousers, Chemical Protective
Sol. #:            SPM1C113R0018
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Notice of Intent to Award a Single Source 
Sol. #:            FA4620-17-T-A327
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Gas masks & Duty Gear
Sol. #:            DJM-17-A34-E-0120
Agency:            Department of Justice
Sol. #:            M00264-17-T-0198
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Uniforms    
Sol. #:            VA69D17Q1297
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Safety Shoes - East
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Radar Covers
Sol. #:            W911yn17T0046
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Geosynthetic Fabric
Sol. #:            0040345025-21
Agency:            Department of the Interior
Title:             CBP Ballistic Plate Armor 
Sol. #:            HSBP1017R0025
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             Galley Uniform
Sol. #:            N00244-17-Q-0121
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Vinyl Shelter
Sol. #:            SPMYM3-17-Q-3063
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Peltor
Sol. #:            000000010872
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             Instructor Commercial Ram Air Parachute Systems (ICRAPS)
Sol. #:            H92239-17-T-0016
Agency:            Other Defense Agencies
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T2457
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Office:            DLA Acquisition Locations
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T2445
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             TENT,TEMPER AIR SUPPOR
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T2444
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Continuity Evacuation Kits
Sol. #:            20100593
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             Armor Plate Carriers
Sol. #:            FA542217Q2004
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Greenjacket PFD
Sol. #:            FA527017QB068
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             T38 Wing and Stab Covers
Sol. #:            FA302217T0003
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Rifle Kits
Sol. #:            W912KN17T0022
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             FLAGS on behalf of The Old Guard
Sol. #:            0011074320
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PPE Safety Equipment
Sol. #:            W91RUS-17-T-0632
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             FIAED/AOCCT- Global Turnout Gear for Range
Sol. #:            DJA-17-AHDQ-Q-0093
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             GLOBE Turnout Gear for CFIC19 Class
Sol. #:            DJA-17-AHDQ-Q-0092
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             RETENTION
Sol. #:            W9124B17Q8702
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Polos
Sol. #:            Stewart3IDDIVARTYBCL0001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Back Pack
Sol. #:            Steweart3IDDIVARTYBCL0002
Agency:            Department of the Army
Office:            FedBid
Title:             Uniform rentals Great Lakes/Detroit    
Sol. #:            VA78617Q0668
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Branded and Embroidered Shirts
Sol. #:            BenningUSAMUJLR08022017
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             STS Ops Core Helmets
Sol. #:            F7H1ST7172AW01-OpsCoreHelmets
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Cold Temperature and Artic Protective System (CTAPS) L5 Upgrade
Sol. #:            W911QY-17-R-0041
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Unisex Glove Market Research
Sol. #:            Unisex_Gloves_2017-08-18
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             FAST Helmets
Sol. #:            FA487717Q0368
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Arc Flash Uniforms
Sol. #:            HQ0034-17-R-0023
Agency:            Other Defense Agencies
Sol. #:            20098836
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             STAKE,HOLD-DOWN TEN
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Flame Resistant Clothing 
Sol. #:            SFS_Deployment_gear
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Military Silhouette Main Parachute
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Department of the Army
Sol. #:            N0040617Q0153
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             SHELL, COMBAT VEHICLE
Sol. #:            SPRDL1-17-R-0384
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Inflatable Engine Change Maintenance Shelter to Suit C-130 on Skis
Sol. #:            RFQ_17-109015
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue
Sol. #:            7FCI-L3-030084-B
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue
Sol. #:            7FCI-L3-030084-B
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             Organizational Clothing
Sol. #:            TFSATTB17Q0004
Agency:            Department of the Treasury
Sol. #:            VA26117Q0953
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Parachute Equipment
Sol. #:            W9124D-17-Q-5887
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             FR Chef Clothing
Sol. #:            N0040617T0434
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Temper Tents and Components
Sol. #:            TemperAndComponents
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             FLAGS on behalf of The Old Guard
Sol. #:            0011074320
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             MULTICAM UNIFORM
Sol. #:            2117277XJC860
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             STREAMER,WARNING
Sol. #:            SPE1C117Q0378
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Rockwell Watches for Recruiting Program
Sol. #:            W90QUW70790100
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Modular Handgun Holster 
Sol. #:            W911QY-17-MHH-II
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             TECH RESCUE SUITS
Sol. #:            N0040617Q0158
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             MO Air National Guard Boots
Sol. #:            W912NS-17-Q-3021
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             OPTION - MO Air National Guard Boots
Sol. #:            W912NS-17-Q-3021_01
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             FAST Helmets
Sol. #:            FA487717Q0368
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Non-stocked, FSC 8465 Requirements Solicitation
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-17-R-0149
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Fabrication of Flame Retardant Lightweight T-shirt Fabric
Sol. #:            80NSSC17Q0094
Agency:            National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T2422
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             TEMPER TYPE XLVIII-STA
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T2420
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Development of Inherently Flame Retardant Lightweight T-shirt Fabric
Sol. #:            NNX17610469Q
Agency:            National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Title:             Flame Resistant Clothing 
Sol. #:            SFS_Deployment_gear
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Modular Command Post, Systems & Tents, Green & Tan
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-17-R-0142
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Decon Ozone Sanitizing System
Sol. #:            W91WRZ-17-Q-0049
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Knee and Elbow Pads, Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) and Coyote
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-17-R-0129
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             SEWING KIT
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Multicam Army Unit Shoulder Patches
Sol. #:            W9124J-17-T-0041
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             KIT,BLADDER,AIRCRAF
Sol. #:            SPE1C117Q0335
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Tents and Banner Stands
Sol. #:            M0026317R1005
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Armor Plate Carriers
Sol. #:            FA542217Q2004
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             BAG,DUFFEL
Sol. #:            SPE2DS17TC501
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Sol. #:            N0040617Q0153
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Uniforms for Pharmacy Answers to Vendor Questions   
Sol. #:            VA25617Q1274
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             silica filament cloth
Sol. #:            SPMYM217Q2954
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Barbed Wire Handlers Gloves
Sol. #:            SPE1C117R0140
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Sol. #:            FA8057-16-R-0001
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Radar Covers
Sol. #:            W911yn17T0046
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Organizational Clothing
Sol. #:            TFSATTB17Q0004
Agency:            Department of the Treasury
Title:             Modular Handgun Holster 
Sol. #:            W911QY-17-MHH-II
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Flame Resistant Clothing 
Sol. #:            SFS_Deployment_gear
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Vital Torso Protection - Full Rate Production
Sol. #:            W91CRB-16-R-0010
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             VA258-17-AP-4278 PPE PANTS, SHIRTS    
Sol. #:            VA25817N0769
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue
Sol. #:            7FCI-L3-030084-B
Agency:            General Services Administration
Sol. #:            SPE1C117T1261
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Ball Caps
Sol. #:            N6809317Q0106
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Canopy Replacement at Medina
Sol. #:            FA3016-17-T-0010
Agency:            Department of the Air Force

Clients of Agathon Associates and subscribers to Agathon Associates' Trade Advisor Service can find links to the full solicitations at You will need to enter your username and password. If you do not know your username and password email David Trumbull at

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