------------------------------------------------------- Title: POD-8 LIFERAFT AND PRESSURE RELIEF PLUG FOR C-130 Sol. #: 70Z034-19-Q-4AB15700 Agency: Department of Homeland Security ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Deployment Gear Sol. #: FA4661-19-Q-0047 Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: COOKIE G3 Matte Black Free Fall Helmets Sol. #: AIRDROPBRANCHFREEFALL001 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crye Presission CAGE Plate Carrier Sol. #: 910432-0478 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Contract for New and Tenured Federal Agent PPR Clothing Sol. #: 89233119QNA000054 Agency: Department of Energy ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 693-19-2-545-0069 | Safety Shoes | EDA: 03/15/2019 | Current Milestone: Pre Sol| Status: Assigned to CS Lakeisiha Davenport (01/30/2019 lab) Sol. #: 36C24419Q0329 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 3 Tention Fabric Structures Sol. #: FA4819-19-Q-3011 Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: BOOT, FIREMEN'S BLACK, 13" STEEL TOE Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-R-X0X0 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Nomex Fabric Sol. #: SPMYM319Q3016 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: OPTION - Cloth Knit Velour Sol. #: W911SD-19-R-0031 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: STS G-TEC sources sought Sol. #: W912KZ-19-Q-5014 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: TENT Sol. #: SPE1C119T1244 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: TENT Sol. #: SPE1C119T1245 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: SOCKS, LINER, BLACK Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-R-0075 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: BUCKLE Sol. #: SPE1C119T1231 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Pop-Up Tent Sol. #: JBLMICORPSKPM0001 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Cape, Aircrewman Sol. #: 8415010409018CapeAircrewman Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Safety Gloves Sol. #: W911KF-19-Q-0011 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 36C24419Q0329 Safety Shoes Wilkes Barre VAMC Sol. #: 36C24419Q0329 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ballistic Body Armor Vests Sol. #: OIG-NOI-233462 Agency: Department of Health and Human Services ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Martime Buoyant Plates (MBP) Sol. #: N61331-19-KN-0001 Agency: Department of the Navy ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 3 Tention Fabric Structures Sol. #: FA4819-19-Q-3011 Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: STS Patagonia Request Sol. #: W912KZ-19-Q-5013 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: GLOVES,ELECTRICAL W Sol. #: SPE1C119Q0122 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: WEBBING,TEXTILE Sol. #: SPE1C119Q0117 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Police Uniforms Sol. #: HM157519Q0016 Agency: Other Defense Agencies ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Tactical Carriers Sol. #: 15B61819PUE210015 Agency: Department of Justice ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Pop-Up Tent Sol. #: JBLMICORPSKPM0001 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Custom Table and Chair Covers Sol. #: N0060419Q0000 Agency: Department of the Navy ------------------------------------------------------- Title: FLAGSTAFF HEAD Sol. #: SPE1C119T0982 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers Sol. #: W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: STS Gortex Pants Sol. #: W912KZ-19-Q-5012 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: BIG Quick Inflatable Tent System 519-19-2-6166-0062 Sol. #: 36C25719Q0454 Agency: Department of Veterans Affairs ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Safety Shoes Sol. #: SP3300-19-Q-5013 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 301st Deployment Gear Sol. #: FA252119QB015 Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: 3 Tention Fabric Structures Sol. #: FA4819-19-Q-3011 Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: TENT LINER, 16 x 16 Sol. #: Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Maintenance Tent Sol. #: BRAGG1SWTGVSW0010 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: INL/Mexico Tactical Equipment Sol. #: 191NLE19Q0028 Agency: Department of State ------------------------------------------------------- Title: DJF192200PR0001495 Sol. #: DJF192200PR0001495 Agency: Department of Justice ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Jacket, Flyer's, Intermediate, Type G-1 Sol. #: SPE1C119R0084 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers Sol. #: W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: BUCKLE Sol. #: SPE1C119T1213 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: GLOVES,ELECTRICAL W Sol. #: SPE1C119Q00430001 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Lightweight Plate Solicitation Package Sol. #: M67854-19-R-1500 Agency: Department of the Navy ------------------------------------------------------- Title: CIDSAC Body Armor Sol. #: FLWUSAMPSTER0024 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Men's Army All Weather Coat and Replacement Belt Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-R-XXXXX Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: OPTION - Garment Bags Sol. #: W911SD19R0028 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: INSIGNIA,GRADE,ENLI Sol. #: SPE1C119T1209 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: KATUSA Athletic Shoes Sol. #: W90VN819R0018 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: MEDAL,SERVICE Sol. #: SPE1C119T1021 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: TENT,CANVAS Sol. #: Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: USMC Pack Liners - Main and Assault Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-R-TBA Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Synopsis Electrical Workers Gloves Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-Q-0122 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: VISOR,FLYER'S HELME Sol. #: SPE1C119Q0100 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Shelter Kits - ProPac Sol. #: N0060419Q4027 Agency: Department of the Navy ------------------------------------------------------- Title: SHOE COVERS Sol. #: SPMYM219Q1221 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Competition_Accessories Sol. #: Competition_Accessories_MU8355-0002 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: FLAG,INDIVIDUAL Sol. #: SPE1C119T1206 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: MEDAL SET,SERVICE Sol. #: SPE1C119T1204 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Portable Car Shelter Sol. #: Portable_Car_Shelter Agency: Department of the Air Force ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Crye Presission CAGE Plate Carrier Sol. #: 910432-0478 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: J&A6.302-2:SPE1C119C004 Sol. #: SPE1C1-19-R-0018 Agency: Defense Logistics Agency ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Hoods, Balaclava 2000 EA Sol. #: W912PQ19Q0005 Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers Sol. #: W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers Agency: Department of the Army ------------------------------------------------------- Title: Textile Tape Sol. #: 47QSWA-19-D-1708 Agency: General Services Administration -------------------------------------------------------
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