Thursday, March 14, 2019

Federal Business Opportunities through March 13, 2019

Recently posted federal business opportunities

Sol. #:            70Z034-19-Q-4AB15700
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             Deployment Gear
Sol. #:            FA4661-19-Q-0047
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             COOKIE G3 Matte Black Free Fall Helmets
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Crye Presission CAGE Plate Carrier
Sol. #:            910432-0478
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Contract for New and Tenured Federal Agent PPR Clothing
Sol. #:            89233119QNA000054
Agency:            Department of Energy
Title:             693-19-2-545-0069 | Safety Shoes | EDA: 03/15/2019 | Current Milestone: Pre Sol| Status: Assigned to CS Lakeisiha Davenport (01/30/2019 lab)  
Sol. #:            36C24419Q0329
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             3 Tention Fabric Structures
Sol. #:            FA4819-19-Q-3011
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             BOOT, FIREMEN'S BLACK, 13" STEEL TOE
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-X0X0
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Nomex Fabric
Sol. #:            SPMYM319Q3016
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             OPTION - Cloth Knit Velour
Sol. #:            W911SD-19-R-0031
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             STS G-TEC sources sought
Sol. #:            W912KZ-19-Q-5014
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1244
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             TENT
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1245
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             SOCKS, LINER, BLACK
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0075
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             BUCKLE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1231
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Pop-Up Tent
Sol. #:            JBLMICORPSKPM0001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Cape, Aircrewman
Sol. #:            8415010409018CapeAircrewman
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Safety Gloves
Sol. #:            W911KF-19-Q-0011
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             36C24419Q0329 Safety Shoes Wilkes Barre VAMC    
Sol. #:            36C24419Q0329
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Ballistic Body Armor Vests 
Sol. #:            OIG-NOI-233462
Agency:            Department of Health and Human Services
Title:             Martime Buoyant Plates (MBP)
Sol. #:            N61331-19-KN-0001
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             3 Tention Fabric Structures
Sol. #:            FA4819-19-Q-3011
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             STS Patagonia Request
Sol. #:            W912KZ-19-Q-5013
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             GLOVES,ELECTRICAL W
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q0122
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             WEBBING,TEXTILE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q0117
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Police Uniforms
Sol. #:            HM157519Q0016
Agency:            Other Defense Agencies
Title:             Tactical Carriers
Sol. #:            15B61819PUE210015
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             Pop-Up Tent
Sol. #:            JBLMICORPSKPM0001
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Custom Table and Chair Covers
Sol. #:            N0060419Q0000
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             FLAGSTAFF HEAD
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T0982
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers 
Sol. #:            W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             STS Gortex Pants 
Sol. #:            W912KZ-19-Q-5012
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             BIG Quick Inflatable Tent System 519-19-2-6166-0062   
Sol. #:            36C25719Q0454
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Safety Shoes
Sol. #:            SP3300-19-Q-5013
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             301st Deployment Gear
Sol. #:            FA252119QB015
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             3 Tention Fabric Structures
Sol. #:            FA4819-19-Q-3011
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             TENT LINER, 16 x 16
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Maintenance Tent
Sol. #:            BRAGG1SWTGVSW0010
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             INL/Mexico Tactical Equipment
Sol. #:            191NLE19Q0028
Agency:            Department of State
Title:             DJF192200PR0001495
Sol. #:            DJF192200PR0001495
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             Jacket, Flyer's, Intermediate, Type G-1
Sol. #:            SPE1C119R0084
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers 
Sol. #:            W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             BUCKLE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1213
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             GLOVES,ELECTRICAL W
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q00430001
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Lightweight Plate Solicitation Package
Sol. #:            M67854-19-R-1500
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             CIDSAC Body Armor
Sol. #:            FLWUSAMPSTER0024
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Men's Army All Weather Coat and Replacement Belt
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-XXXXX
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             OPTION - Garment Bags
Sol. #:            W911SD19R0028
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             INSIGNIA,GRADE,ENLI
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1209
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             KATUSA Athletic Shoes
Sol. #:            W90VN819R0018
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             MEDAL,SERVICE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1021
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             TENT,CANVAS
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             USMC Pack Liners - Main and Assault 
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-TBA
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Synopsis Electrical Workers Gloves
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-Q-0122
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             VISOR,FLYER'S HELME
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q0100
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Shelter Kits - ProPac
Sol. #:            N0060419Q4027
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             SHOE COVERS
Sol. #:            SPMYM219Q1221
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Competition_Accessories
Sol. #:            Competition_Accessories_MU8355-0002
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             FLAG,INDIVIDUAL
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1206
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             MEDAL SET,SERVICE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T1204
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Portable Car Shelter
Sol. #:            Portable_Car_Shelter
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Crye Presission CAGE Plate Carrier
Sol. #:            910432-0478
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             J&A6.302-2:SPE1C119C004
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0018
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Hoods, Balaclava 2000 EA
Sol. #:            W912PQ19Q0005
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Gloves, Barbed Tape - Wire Handlers 
Sol. #:            W911QY-GlovesBarbedTapeWireHandlers
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Textile Tape
Sol. #:            47QSWA-19-D-1708
Agency:            General Services Administration

Clients of Agathon Associates and subscribers to Agathon Associates' Trade Advisor Service can find links to the full solicitations at You will need to enter your username and password. If you do not know your username and password email David Trumbull at

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