On December 18, 2014, the Foreign Trade Zone Board published in the Federal Register (79 FR 75532) Foreign-Trade Zone (FTZ) 57--Charlotte, North Carolina Notification of Proposed Export Production Activity Gildan Yarns, LLC (Cotton, Cotton/Polyester Yarns) Salisbury, North Carolina
The Charlotte Regional Partnership, Inc., grantee of FTZ 57, submitted a notification of proposed export production activity to the FTZ Board on behalf of Gildan Yarns, LLC (Gildan), located in Salisbury, North Carolina. The notification conforming to the requirements of the regulations of the FTZ Board (15 CFR 400.22) was received on December 8, 2014.
The Gildan facility is located within Site 19 of FTZ 57. The activity at the facility would involve the production of spun cotton and cotton/polyester yarns for export (no shipments for U.S. consumption would occur). Pursuant to 15 CFR 400.14(b), FTZ activity would be limited to the specific foreign-status materials and components and specific finished products described in the submitted notification (as described below) and subsequently authorized by the FTZ Board.
Production under FTZ procedures could exempt Gildan from customs duty payments on the foreign status material used in export production. The sole foreign-origin material to be used in the export production is polyester staple fiber (duty rate: 4.3%). Customs duties also could possibly be deferred or reduced on foreign status production equipment or the foreign material scrapped or destroyed under U.S. Customs and Border Protection procedures.
Public comment is invited from interested parties. Submissions shall be addressed to the FTZ Board's Executive Secretary at the address below. The closing period for their receipt is January 27, 2015.
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