Thursday, October 31, 2019

President Trump Modifies AGOA Apparel Eligibility for Mali, and GSP Eligibility for Ukraine and Thailand

On October 31, 2019, the Executive Office of the President published in the Federal Register (84 FR 58567) Proclamation 9955 of October 25, 2019 To Modify Duty-Free Treatment Under the Generalized System of Preferences and for Other Purposes.

UKRAINE. The proclamation restores the duty-free treatment accorded under GSP to certain products from Ukraine because the country has made progress towards providing adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights. The list of products restored to GSP eligibility for Ukraine is available at

THE REPUBLIC OF MALI. The proclamation designates Mali a lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country (LDBC), thus qualifying it for LDBC preferential benefits. This action will take effect thirty days from the signing of the proclamation, November 24, 2019. Mali's AGOA benefits had been restored by Presidential Proclamation 9072 (December 23, 2013) which designated the Republic of Mali as a beneficiary sub-Saharan African country to the AGOA program; however, this Presidential Proclamation did not designate the Republic of Mali as a "lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African country." As a consequence, Mali was unable to take advantage of special rules for certain apparel articles imported from "lesser developed beneficiary sub-Saharan African countries," in particular the third country fabric provision that enables Mali to produce apparel competitively.

THAILAND. The proclamation withdraws the duty-free treatment accorded under GSP to certain products from Thailand because the country is not taking steps to afford workers in Thailand internationally recognized worker rights. This action will take effect six months from the issuance of this proclamation. Additional guidance will be issued close to the date of implementation. The list of products excluded from GSP eligibility for Thailand is available at:\sites\default\files\files\gsp\Products_to_be_removed_from_GSP_eligibility_for_Thailand.pdf

If questions contact the Trade Agreements Branch at

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