Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Federal Business Opportunities through October 2, 2019

Recently posted federal business opportunities

Title:             INSIGNIA,SHOULDER S
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T2361
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             INSIGNIA,SHOULDER S
Sol. #:            SPE1C120T0015
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             CLOTH,PLAIN WEAVE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T2420
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Sol. #:            FA521519Q8046
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Latex Gloves
Sol. #:            47QSWA-19-A-0626
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             Jewish Religious Items
Sol. #:            SPE1C120R0004
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             F-16 C/D Intake/Exhaust Plug and Covers
Sol. #:            W912QG-19-Q-5030
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Men's Poromeric Shoe 
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0167
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             **SOLICITATION** G12 Cargo Parachute
Sol. #:            W56HZV19R0088
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Informative Sessions on Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Camouflage 
Sol. #:            W911QY-SWIRCAMOUFLAGE
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             TCA Detainee Clothing 
Sol. #:            20115226
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             United States Marine Corps Dress Blue Overcoats
Sol. #:            M67861-19-Q-0040
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Pentagon Fire Marshal and Alteration Services
Sol. #:            HQ0034-19-R-0053
Agency:            Other Defense Agencies
Title:             Wild Things Jackets / MASSIF Element Jackets
Sol. #:            FA487719QU963
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Soft Armor
Sol. #:            W912PQ19Q9006
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Air Force Vest Kits
Sol. #:            W912PQ19Q9007
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Corrections Riot Control Equipment
Sol. #:            19GE5019Q0045
Agency:            Department of State
Sol. #:            40451830
Agency:            Department of the Interior
Title:             Tactical Holsters
Sol. #:            FA561319QA019
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Sol. #:            W9136419R7020
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Clothing
Sol. #:            Battle_Brown_Pants_Shorts
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Black Branded T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Polo Shirts
Sol. #:            Black_BrandedShirt_BlackPoloShirts_SweatShirt
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Protective Uniforms (shirts, pants, jackets) Leasing and Laundering Services
Sol. #:            M6739919Q0051
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Purchase of Massif Elements Jackets
Sol. #:            FA520919U0058
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             SOD Marmot Rain Suits
Sol. #:            PR20113988
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             SERE E&E Kits
Sol. #:            FA487719Q0414
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Alaska Structure Tent Parts
Sol. #:            W912L8-19-Q-0035
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             BAG,TENT FRAME PART
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T2471
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Leather Credentials
Sol. #:            2031JW19Q00096
Agency:            Department of the Treasury
Title:             Lugagge For Air Crew
Sol. #:            W912J3-19-Q-5013
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Latex Gloves
Sol. #:            47QSWA-19-A-0626
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             External Vests for Police    
Sol. #:            36C26319Q0737
Agency:            Department of Veterans Affairs
Title:             Helmet, Advanced Combat, Second Generation (ACH GEN II)
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0163
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             ICWB
Sol. #:            M67854-19-R-1594
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             Street Lobby Flags and Engraved Plates
Sol. #:            1001902284
Agency:            Department of State
Title:             Commercial Item, Brown Dye 436 (Powder form), Application: Color Pad Batch Method
Sol. #:            CT2271-19
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             Request for Quote for Deployment Gear
Sol. #:            DJF-19-2300-PR-0008080
Agency:            Department of Justice
Title:             Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue
Sol. #:            7FCI-L3-030084-B
Agency:            General Services Administration
Title:             ANTENNA COVER
Sol. #:            N6339419T0221
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             CLOTHING
Sol. #:            20115351
Agency:            Department of Homeland Security
Title:             FLAG,SIGNAL
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T2219
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             PENNANT,SIGNAL
Sol. #:            SPE1C119T2375
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             STRAP AND DRINK TUBE
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q0214
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             STRAP,RETENTION,GRO
Sol. #:            SPE1C119R0108
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             MEN'S 3-N-1 JACKETS
Sol. #:            SPMYM119Q0131
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             T3 Geronimo Plate Carriers (Brand Name Only)
Sol. #:            FA4877-19-Q-U051
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             USMC LAYER 6 JACKETS
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0179
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Tactical Vests
Sol. #:            W912LM19Q5028
Agency:            Department of the Army
Sol. #:            W9136419R7020
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Prefabricated Canopy
Sol. #:            ANCENGPW1005
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             36P Tan & Green/45P Tan & Green Flyers Jacket
Sol. #:            SPE1C1-19-R-0165
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Safety Shoes
Sol. #:            W90VN9-19-R-0073
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             PR8468070 FAC-Workers uniforms
Sol. #:            PR8468070
Agency:            Department of State
Title:             Army Green Service Uniform (AGSU)
Sol. #:            W911QY-19-R-0040
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             SHOES,WOMEN'S
Sol. #:            
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             BARs Packs & Bags
Sol. #:            FA862919C5027
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             Military Funeral Honors, Army Service Unitforms
Sol. #:            W912L7-19-Q-0701
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Arctic Gear Kits
Sol. #:            F1L1249200AW01
Agency:            Department of the Air Force
Title:             BELT,MILITARY POLIC
Sol. #:            SPE1C119Q0142
Agency:            Defense Logistics Agency
Title:             Class 2 - 65/35% Polyester/Cotton Plain Weave
Sol. #:            W911QY19PolyCotten
Agency:            Department of the Army
Title:             Coating and Uncoating Webbing
Sol. #:            N68335-19-Q-0367
Agency:            Department of the Navy
Title:             NCTRF Female Uniform Shirt Prototypes
Sol. #:            N0018919QG157
Agency:            Department of the Navy

Clients of Agathon Associates and subscribers to Agathon Associates' Trade Advisor Service can find links to the full solicitations at You will need to enter your username and password. If you do not know your username and password email David Trumbull at

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