The Census Bureau will furnish report forms to organizations included in the surveys. Additional copies are available upon written request to the Director, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC 20233-0101.
The Annual Survey of Manufactures collects industry statistics, such as total value of shipments, employment, payroll, workers' hours, capital expenditures, cost of materials consumed, supplemental labor costs, and so forth. This survey is conducted on a sample basis, and covers all manufacturing industries, including data on plants under construction but not yet in operation. All data items are collected on a mandatory basis under the authority of Title 13, United States Code.
Business R&D and Innovation Survey
The Business R&D and Innovation Survey (BRDIS) measures spending on research and development activities by United States businesses. This survey replaced the Survey of Industrial Research and Development that had been collected since the 1950's. The BRDIS collects global as well as domestic spending information, more detailed information about the R&D workforce, and information regarding innovation and intellectual property from U.S. businesses. The Census Bureau collects and compiles this information in accordance with a joint project agreement between the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Census Bureau. The NSF posts the joint project's information results on their Web site. All data items are collected on a mandatory basis under the authority ofTitle 13, United States Code.
Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey
The Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey collects data on sales and unfilled orders in order to provide annual benchmarks for unfilled orders for the monthly Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories, and Orders (M3) survey. The Annual Survey of Manufactures (ASM) provides annual benchmarks for the shipments and inventory data collected in the M3 monthly survey. The Manufacturers' Unfilled Orders Survey data will also be used to determine whether it is necessary to collect unfilled orders data for specific industries on a monthly basis; some industries are not requested to provide unfilled orders data on the M3 Survey. All data items are collected on a mandatory basis under the authority of Title 13, United States Code.
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