Thursday, November 21, 2013

CPSC Officials Meet with Upholstered Furniture Action Council

On Tuesday, November 19th, several officials from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission met with representatives of the (Upholstered Furniture Action Council (UFAC). The meeting served as introductory meeting and overview of the Upholstered Furniture Action Council (UFAC) and voluntary standards developed for the furniture industry. According to information on the UFAC website,, "The Upholstered Furniture Action Council was founded in 1978 to make upholstered furniture more resistant to ignition from smoldering cigarettes which are the leading cause of upholstery fires in the home. Household fires from smoldering ignition have been reduced substantially since its inception. According to the latest figures there has been a 79.3% decline in the number of upholstered furniture fires from cigarette ignition."

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