The first investigation, AGOA: Trade and Investment Performance Overview, will assess the impact AGOA has had on the economies of sub-Saharan Africa and identify factors that have impacted the trade, investment, and the economic climate of the region. In this report, the USITC will address AGOA trade performance, utilization, and competitiveness factors; AGOA's effect on the business and investment climate in sub-Saharan Africa; and the relationship between current or potential sub-Saharan African reciprocal trade agreements and the objectives of AGOA. This report will be submitted to USTR on April 17, 2014, and will be released to the public soon thereafter.
The second investigation, AGOA: Economic Effects of Providing Duty-Free Treatment for Imports, will assess the economic effects of providing duty-free treatment for AGOA imports on U.S. industries and consumers. This report will be confidential and will be delivered to USTR on April 17, 2014.
The third investigation, U.S. AGOA Rules of Origin: Possible Changes to Promote Regional Integration and Increase Exports to the United States, will identify possible changes to the rules of origin under AGOA with the potential to increase exports from AGOA-eligible countries. This report will be confidential and will be delivered to USTR on April 30, 2014.
The fourth investigation, EU-South Africa FTA: Impact on U.S. Exports to South Africa, will assess the impact of the EU-South Africa free trade agreement on U.S. exports to South Africa. This report will be confidential and will be delivered to USTR on April 17, 2014.
The USITC will hold one public hearing in connection with the four investigations on January 14, 2014. Requests to appear at the hearing should be filed no later than 5:15 p.m. on December 13, 2013, with the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. For further information, call 202-205-2000.
The USITC also welcomes written submissions for the record for all four investigations. Written submissions should be addressed to the Secretary of the Commission at the above address and should be submitted at the earliest practical date but no later than 5:15 p.m. on January 21, 2014. All written submissions, except for confidential business information, will be available for public inspection.
Further information on the scope of the investigation and appropriate submissions is available in the USITC's notice of investigations, dated November 13, 2013, which can be obtained from the USITC Internet site ( or by contacting the Office of the Secretary at the above address or at 202-205-2000.
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